Kundalini Yoga & Meditation

by Golden Bridge Global Village


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UNLIMITED ACCESS TO ONLINE KUNDALINI YOGA & MEDITATION ~ ANYTIME, ANYWHEREWelcome to the Global Village! The Golden Bridge Global Village is a monthly online video subscription offering unlimited streaming access to hundreds of Kundalini Yoga meditations, kriyas, pranayams and more, all for less than the price of a single class! We are at a time and place on our planet when the ancient yogic teachings of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan are needed now more than ever. Imagine having access to those teachings ANYTIME, ANYWHERE – NOW YOU CAN! Immerse yourself in the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, taught by senior teachers of his lineage and dynamic up and coming teachers who are making an impact all over the globe. Bring the magic and quality that Golden Bridge Yoga is known for into your home with the Global Village. Study with world-class teachers like Gurmukh, Gurushabd, Krishna Kaur, Nirvair, GuruMeher, Wah, Azita, and many more!Join our virtual community designed as a place to gather together and explore the powerful technology of Kundalini Yoga. The beautiful thing about this practice is it is a lifestyle. It's not just taking an hour and a half on your mat. It’s a way to live, it's a way to be. Yogi Bhajan would always say, “I don't have to hope this technology works, I know it works.” The Global Village is your village. It's a place for you ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, any place to have this technology, to have this practice at the tip of your fingers. You can do it in your home, you can do it on the road, you can do it with your family, you can do it alone. But this Village is created for you, for your convenience. So join the Village, join us. It takes a village to raise a spirit. Welcome home!This free Global Village app is a companion to the desktop version of the Global Village. Please sign up and create an account at http://www.gbglobalvillage.com/signup.aspx?p=GV30. Then use the Global Village app on your mobile device using the same login information from your desktop account. Enjoy!Nearly 200 Kundalini Yoga & Meditation videos that include:BeginnersKundalini SetsMeditationsPranayamaRecovery and HealingWarmupsTune InPartner YogaAquarian Age SutrasKundalini History & StorytellingYogi BhajanThe Sound CurrentSadhanaIn the StudioYogic DietYogic LifestyleGurmukh ArchiveSatsang TalksTeacher TrainingSpecial EventsPersonalize & Customize Your Practice:Create your own yoga experience the way Kundalini Yoga teachers do, by choosing your own sequence of sets and meditations. The MY STUDIO and MY PLAYLIST features allow you to save videos for future viewing and customize your own practice. From the MY ACCOUNT feature you can also customize your home screen for one tap viewing of your favorite videos. You also have a MY HISTORY feature that saves all you previously viewed videos for quick reference. UNLIMITED ACCESS TO ONLINE KUNDALINI YOGA & MEDITATION ~ ANYTIME, ANYWHERE